Thursday 2 July 2015

The day when I saw One Direction

Hello guys!:)
On the June 27th I went to the One Direction concert at Helsinki Olympic stadium.
I went to line up with 3 mates. Actually I don't know them very well but it was nice to line up with someone.
When I went there I was very confused because there were so many people. Eventually when we got into the stadium I went to a wrong place because I was still extremely confused and I didn't know what to do. So I was standing in the wrong area the whole concert even though there would have been space in the area I should have been. And the place where I bought my ticket would have been closer to the stage...:D
But all that was my own fault so I can't complain. Well, at least next time I will know what to do so I learnt something. After all being confused I enjoyed the concert and I will definitely go again if I have a chance. :) 

I only took videos during the concert and my computer's movie maker won't read my data files but here is a few screenshots of them. I am so sorry about the quality of them and that I don't know how to make the gap smaller between them. :(

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