I got tagged by Now or never -blog.
The point of this TAG is that blogs which have less than 100 readers/followers would get noticed. First you have to answer 11 questions made by the person who has tagged you. Then you make 11 questions and tag 11 bloggers who have less than 100 readers/followers.
1. Kahvi vai tee?/ Coffee or tea?
- Tea
2. Jos olisit tuoli, kenen haluisit istuvan päällesi?/ If you were a chair who would you let to sit on you?
- I actually don't know, this is a weird question ':D
3. Minkä värinen hammasharja sulla on?/ Which colour toothbrush do you have?
- It is blue and white
4. Milloin viimeksi itkit ja miksi?/ When was the last time you cried and why?
- I cry quite a lot but now I just can't remember the last time.
5. Viimeisin syömäsi asia?/ Last thing you've eaten? - Vanilla ice cream. :)
6. Lempi leffasi?/ Your favourite movie? - Abduction
7. Kumman ottaisit: Söisit koko loppu elämäsi pelkästään lempi ruokaasi vai saisit syödä kaikkea muuta, paitsi lempi ruokaasi?/ Which one would you choose: I would eat the rest of your life only your favourite food or you could eat everything else except your favourite food? - I would eat everything else except my favourite food, even though I love it so much ♥
8. Jos saisit valita mitä tahansa maailman kieltä osaisit puhua, mikä se kieli olisi?/ If you were able to choose any language in the world that you could speak what language would it be? - Frech
9. Mikä oli lempi lelusi kun, olit pieni?/ What was your favourite toy when you were little? - Maybe a stuffed animal or a some kind of doll.
10. Mikä olisi unelma työsi?/ What you be your dream job? - To be a fashion designer, definitely.
11. Onko tämä kysymys?/ Is this a question? - Yes it is. :D
The questions that I made are:
1. What is your favourite Disney character and why?
2. Favourite season?
3. Books or comics?
4. What is your favourite flavour of crisps?
5. What is your favourite boy band (even if you don't like them:D)?
6. Helium or normal balloons?
7. What is your favourite fast food restaurant?
8. Why do I need to make 11 questions?
9. What is your dream holiday destination?
10. Do you like to do DIY's?
11. Are you happy that this is over now? :)
I actually won't complete this tag because I didn't find 11 bloggers that have under 100 readers, so if you are reading this and you have a blog under 100 readers.., I WILL TAG YOU!
thanks :D
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