Wednesday, 17 December 2014

DIY Christmas gifts

Hello mates!:)
It's nearly Christmas, so I thought that I could make a DIY Christmas gifts blog post as you can see from the title. The two last ones are very quick to made. If you're running out of time those are good options.

Knitted headband
 If I started to explain how to make this knitted headband, it would be so difficult to understand. Here is an English link to how to make this and here is a Finnish one.

Christmas notebook
 For this you'll need:
coloured paper
pens or pencils
printed tapes
 Cut the paper to the right size and glue it on top of the notebook (I recommend to put the glue on top of the notebook cover NOT on to the paper). Let it dry and then start to decorate the notebook.
 Here is my finished notebook.:)

Christmas decoration
 There are two ways to make this Christmas decoration. 
For the first one you just use a single pipe cleaner, which meant for this context, not like the actual pipe cleaner.:D You make it to star shape and put a ribbon through it, so that you can hang it.
For the second one you'll need two of the pipe cleaners and shape them to stars and put them overlap as you can see from the picture. Then you put the ribbon through both of them.

This was a bit different type of blog post, but hope you like it. Let me now in the comments below that what Christmas related posts you would like to see.:)


  1. Oletpas taitava käsiltäsi! En tiedä tuliko tämä nyt kaksi kertaa kun netti lagasi D:
